Sep 24, 2013

Windows 8 Cover Photo Creator for Facebook

Windows 8 Cover Photo creator app for Facebook is a cute little app that allows you to design your own cover picture with a Windows 8 Start screen tiles. To promote the launch of its new operating system Windows 8, Microsoft specially developed this app on Facebook.
It displays the modern UI of Windows 8 as your cover picture. Like any application on Facebook, you need to allow the app to grant access to your profile information and it will automatically perform a selection looking among our likes, profile pic of our friends and finally create the cover.
windows 8 facebook cover creator
Default icons like Windows 8 messaging, internet, SkyDrive, internet explorer, weather, Xbox games, and camera tiles cannot be replaced. Other tiles like your friends pictures, tagged photos etc. can be changed on the tiles.
You can even change the background color of the cover and choose which image to be displayed in various tiles. Finally you have to save the result. The app publishes the new cover image which you designed in your timeline. From there you can save it and change your cover picture or you can use the options to change cover picture and select the Windows 8 cover image from your timeline. Either way you can upload the new cover image.