1-First option is to comment on blog posts and forum related to the niche of your offer. If you are not familiarized with the niche first do some research, you can use Wikipedia to get some background; remember, no one will listen to you if you don’t have anything to say. And the only way to get someone else’s attention is by adding value to the conversation. Tip: To find blogs and forums just type “your niche + blog” or “your niche + forum” on Google search!
2- Second option is to write an e-book. After you have some background you could put this knowledge into words and write and small document with 12 to 15 pages, be sure to add you affiliate link in the document, then give it away for free. You can find prospects in Facebook groups. Another technique is to upload your pdf into pdf directories such as scribd.com, docstoc.com or slideshare.com. You can even use the link from the pdf directory to promote your document.
3- Third lesson of this affiliate marketing for dummies session is about building a Squidoo lens to promote your affiliate link. Squidoo is a platform where you can build a one page website. This is great because you will start to get the gist of building a website and generate traffic for it.