Sep 24, 2013

Create Timeline Tabs for Facebook Pages

Today we have got Facebook Timline tab creator. Before the launch of Facebook timeline feature, we had talked alot about facebook welcome tab apps, timeline landing page tabapps etc. After the new timeline feature for Facebook pages, the facebook default landing page became useless. For brands and websites who does more conversions via their Facebook pages, now they need to be more unique with timeline cover images and tabs. Few days, I wrote about adding Pinterest style tab of your facebook posts in your Facebook pages. Now let’s check out the Facebook timeline tab creator.
Do you have complaints such as Facebook landing page not working?, facebook default landing page will stop working once you’ve changed to the new timeline interface for Facebook pages. By now, every facebook page has a timeline view.
Before the Timeline view feature, when you just link to your Facebook page, it automatically lands on the welcome tab or custom tab of your facebook page, now after the timeline view of Facebook pages, you need to link to the specific tab (app link) directly to get the custom landing page. For example : before timeline : If you’re a first time visitor, then when you visit – it will take you to the custom welcome tab landing page, now after timeline view – you need to manually link to the custom tab 
If you’re a brand or website focusing majorly on your Facebook customers, readers – then you need to customize two things on your Facebook page. The cover image – a unique cover image which blends well with your page and a landing page. Regarding the landing page, here is the app that we are going to discuss today. The Timeline tab creator. It allows you to create beautiful landing pages.
Timeline Tab offers the best 810px content management for Facebook Timeline Tabs. Once you’ve created the timeline tab, you need to link directly the tab URL anywhere on the web. If you just link only your home page, it doesn’t auto redirect to the landing page, you need to directly link the landing page URL. Don’t forget !
Once you’ve signed up for free, you can start customizing the designs. With its easy interface, you can add galleries, variety of visual options, email marketing tools for targeted campaigns, community tools like forums, blogs, member areas with restricted access, feedback forms etc.
Once you’ve created everything, just link up to your Facebook page using the options provided there. That’s it. You can check out their live demos available on the Timeline tab