Mar 21, 2013

Folder option's Show hidden files and folder not working

This condition mainly occurs because of some kind of virus action or trojan activity and after that you have two way of viewing hidden files,either fix this issue or use DOS prompt ,we will discuss this way later in the post.

1:- if you just want to enable your windows way then you have to follow this procedure which will make the default way working means folder option's show hidden files and folder will start working.

1.Go to Start –> Run,
2. type RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
3.In the right pane, look for key CheckedValue” and change the value to 1
4.Also look for key that says “DefaultValue nd change its value to 2

But if for any reason this method is not working then you have limited options left.

2:-For viewing files by this DOS method first you must know the path of the files and then apply the following command

...path\>attrib *.* -r -a -s -h

This DOS command will make your all the hidden files in that folder visible.But this command is of no use when you don't know the path of hidden files .Then you have just one option Re-install the window...