Nov 9, 2010


Start with WINAVR

Instruction Manual to Start with AVT "Plug & Play Kit" with WINAVR

1.      Winavr Download and Installtion
Winavr is a opensource and free available software. Download winavr from the link and install it.
2.      USBASP/Usbtiny Driver installation
·         Connect usbasp/USBTiny programmer to usb port of your computer. Computer will detect usb device and will show dialog box as shown below.
·                     Click button Yes, this time only, then click next button. The wizard will display next dialog box as shown below
·         Click on the Install from specified location button→next
·         Now the wizard will ask for windriver  folder as shown below
·         Browse the win-driver folder wherever you have→ next
·         Now the installation starts and will take some time (few seconds).A message will display on the bottom  right corner of taskbar  as shown below.
Now USBASP/UsbTiny driver is installed and you are ready to download data to the microcontroller.
3.      How to start a new project
·         Create a new folder and name it whatever you want.
·         Start menu→ All programs→ winavr→ Programmers Notepad
·         In programmers notepad window, click on File menu→ new→ c/c++
·         Click on File menuSave As
·         Save this fie in project folder, name the file as main.c
·         Generate a Makefile (discussed in subsequent topic) in same folder
·         Open Makefile in programmer’s Notepad
·         Make five changes in Make file
·         Write your code in main.c
Note: Files needed for successful compilation main.c and Makefile.

4.      How to generate MakeFile
·         Simplest way to get a Make file: Copy a Makefile from any old project to your new project folder.
·         If you don’t have any Make file in your computer, you need to generate it.
·         Click on :StartàAll ProgramsàWINAVR*******àMFile[WINAVR]
·         A window will appear with lots of text written on it.
·         Click on FileàSave As
·         Save this file in your Project folder (don’t change the file name)

5.      Five changes in Makefile

MCU name
Line #44
# MCU name  
MCU = atmega128
# MCU name  
MCU = atmega32
Processor frequency
Line #65

F_CPU = 8000000

F_CPU = 4000000
Add extra include file
(If you are including extra header files)  
 Line #83                        


SRC = $(TARGET).c lcd_lib.c(for lcd display place lcd_lib .c separated by space)
AVRDUDE programmer Name
Line #276


AVRDUDE port Name
Line #279



6.      How to compile and Transfer your program
Note: Connect the usbasp programmer to the usb port of your computer and the other end of the programmer to the BRiCS’ plug & play AVR kit.

·         Write your complete code in file main.c using programmer’s Notepad
·         Click on toolà [WINAVR]Make All to compile your code. If there is no error in your code, it will generate a main.hex file in your project folder. Output window will look like figure as below.
Note: If the Process Exit Code is 0, code has compiled successfully but it does not ensure that your code is right and free from logical errors.
·         Click on toolà[WINAVR]program to download your code to micro-controller using USBASP programmer
·         When the hex file is downloaded in to microcontroller, in the output window you will see the lines as shown in above figure.
·         If you are using parallel port connector use ponyprog to downloadmain.hex file

7.      How to use Ponyprog
·         Install ponyprog on your computer
·         Run ponyprog using link in start menu
·         Click OK on all windows appears
·         Click Setupàcalibration
·         Wait for popup window
·         Click on OK(on popup window)
·         Click on DeviceàAVR microàAtmega32 to select your device
·         Click SetupàInterface setup
·         A setup window will appear
·         Select parallel
·         Select AVR ISP I/O (the one bellow parallel option)
·         Select lpt1
·         Click Probe to check your programmer. It will show OK if programmer is connected and everything is OK.
·         Click OK
·         Click OK
·         Open your main.hex file using: FileàOpen Device File.
·         It will show lots of hex numbers in window
·         Download your code to micro-controller using: Commandàwrite all
·         Wait for successful download

8.      Sample code to blink LEDs on port B and port D:
#include <avr/io.h>                    //  header file
#include <util/delay.h>               //   header file
int main(void)                        // main function
DDRB=0xFF;           //port B enabled
DDRD=0xFF;           //port D enabled
int i=0;             //A variable i and enabled to 0
while (1)
for(i=1;i<256;i=i*2){PORTB=i;_delay_ms(100);}  //port B pins will be on from 1 to 8 after           every  100 miliseconds
for(i=1;i<256;i=i*2){PORTD=i;_delay_ms(100);}  //port B pins will be on from 1 to 8 after    every 100 miliseconds
return 0;                                       //return nothing to main function

9.      Sample code to print string on 16*2 LCD screen:
#include <avr/io.h>                //  header file
#include <util/delay.h>            //  header file
#include "lcd_lib.h"               //extra  header file included for LCD
int main(void)                     // main function
LCDinit();         //Initializes LCD              
LCDclr();          //Clears LCD
while (1)
LCDGotoXY(5,0);   //Cursor to (5,0) position
LCDstring("BRiCS",5);   //Outputs string to LCD
_delay_ms(10);          //delay of 10 miliseconds
LCDGotoXY(0,1);         //Cursor to (0,1) position
LCDstring("A Step Towards Future",21); //Outputs string to LCD
LCDshiftRight(1);     //shift by 1 character Right        
_delay_ms(100);        //delay of 10 miliseconds
return 0;             //return nothing to main function